What we do

We're the world's oldest animal welfare charity - we've been protecting and caring for animals for almost 200 years! Here are just some of the things that we do. 

Rescue and treat animals

Our inspectors investigate cruelty complaints every day of the year. If necessary, they will take animals away from harmful situations and make sure that they get the treatment and care they need.

Care for unwanted or abused animals

We have animal centres across the country where unwanted or abused animals are cared for until they can be found a new home. The RSPCA also has a small number of hospitals and clinics.

Campaign for changes in the law

We campaign on important issues and try to get a change in the law. A good example is when we helped make fox hunting illegal.

Educate people around the world

Our education department helps teachers and pupils to learn more about important animal issues. But we also educate people abroad to help them look after the animals in their own countries.

None of this would be possible without our fabulous supporters - that's you!

Take a look at Animal Action Park for more information on careers with the RSPCA.