
Ferrets have an inquisitive and playful nature. They can learn to see humans as companions and form a strong bond with their owners. This makes them a popular pet choice because of their sociable and charming character. 

Read the facts below to find out more about these furry creatures.

Ferret fact file

  • Ferrets belong to the carnivore family of the Mustelidae. This is the same mammal family that weasels and badgers also belong to.
  • Ferrets are likely to have descended from the wild European and Steppe polecats.
  • Ferrets are domesticated animals.
  • Ferrets are very curious, they like to explore using their mouths.
  • Domestic ferrets are sociable and typically enjoy living in groups.
  • Ferrets like sleeping - a healthy ferret may sleep between 18 and 20 hours a day.
  • Ferrets communicate with each other using scent.
  • Ferrets use smell to hunt.
  • Ferrets also use postures and sound to indicate how they're feeling.
  • Ferrets can live for around 6 years but can live up to 10 years if in good health.

Find out more in our full ferret fact file.

Find out more about caring for pet ferrets in our expert-reviewed pet care information, including their environment, diet, behaviour, company and health and welfare.

Adopt a ferret from the RSPCA

Ready to welcome ferrets to your life? Then why not search for ferrets for rehoming from the RSPCA!

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