Pet personalities

Not guilty

Not guilty


Jamie Smart


Pet personalities – Winner 2023


Meet Frederick, our turkey. This shot of him looking through the bars of his pen was quite appropriate due to the bird flu situation at the time. It looked like he was in prison – and all that was missing was his stripy pyjamas! I wanted to show the beauty of his feathers with their iridescent shine, which he loves to display during spring and summer. People don’t often get to see the amazing plumage of turkeys. When the restrictions were lifted he was able to be let out and roam free again in our wooded area.

Companions for life

Companions for life


Thomas Rikkerink


Pet personalities – Runner-up 2023


My brother, and dog Maxie, are an inseparable pair and they always run around the forest together on our daily walks. In a temporary moment of rest, they paused to look out at the beautiful lake and lovely woods. I captured this moment to extract the unconditional love and companionship between child and dog.

Dog shark

Dog shark


Bethany Shrimpton


Pet personalities – Commended 2023


I took this photo of my dog, Chester, in a field near my home. While on a walk with my dogs, Chester nearly disappeared with only his tail showing above the crops. I thought this was quite funny and showed Chester’s personality because he loves to go sniffing through bushes. I really like how this photo is different to normal photos of dogs’ face.

Sir Smoke

Dog shark


Bella Pharo


Pet personalities – Commended 2023


Smoke likes stretching out in random spots and in sometimes quite unusual positions. This time, I happened to be close by with my phone out, so I started taking photos of him from different angles. He’s a very curious cat, and as I took this one, Smoke glanced back at me and held still while I took the picture. I think he’s very used to being in front of the camera by now, and is a great model.